Hello friends!

I am currently on Spring Break! Although it has not been as relaxing as I had hoped it would be, I am still spending it doing practically nothing except look at clothes, eating, watching shows ~ and will hopefully be seeing some friends later on this week!
Before Spring Break started, I received some extraordinary gifts from an extraordinary person. One of these gifts is the adorable Fujifilm Instax Mini 7S. So I figured I'd write a short review on it. I'm not a camera expert, nor am I going to pretend I am ~ so if anything I say sounds dumb or incorrect, please feel free to correct me with the proper terms or facts.

Before Spring Break started, I received some extraordinary gifts from an extraordinary person. One of these gifts is the adorable Fujifilm Instax Mini 7S. So I figured I'd write a short review on it. I'm not a camera expert, nor am I going to pretend I am ~ so if anything I say sounds dumb or incorrect, please feel free to correct me with the proper terms or facts.
I wanted to take photos of the package it came in, but I completely destroyed it in the process of trying to get it open. It was sealed in one of those annoying plastic packages that are nearly impossible to pry open unless you have one of those handy packaging blades. I used one of my dad's to saw the package open.
The camera came with a pack of 10 films, a wrist strap, 4 AA batteries, a 1 year warranty and an instructions book.
The camera came with a pack of 10 films, a wrist strap, 4 AA batteries, a 1 year warranty and an instructions book.
{ Camera on ~ Camera off ~ pull the lenses out to turn it on, push it back in to turn off. }
I admit I struggled putting the batteries in because the slot was very obnoxious! Yes, it does require all 4 batteries. I accidentally put one of the batteries in the wrong way and I had to use a metal hooked stick to pull it out. The batteries go on the side where you tie the wrist strap on.
I think the camera is super adorable! Although it is a bit bulkier than I thought it would be, it is still a decent sized camera to carry around. I'm not sure about you, but I've been handling it like a fragile egg since I've gotten it. I'm so scared of accidentally dropping it or putting any scratches on it.
This is the back of the camera! That slot is where the film goes. Make sure to line up the yellow line while putting the film in. It's pretty simple - if I can figure it out, you can too! I thought it was pretty cool that it has a little number count on the right - that's to let you know how many films are left inside. When you first put a pack of film in, it will say 'S' instead of a number. That is the cover of the film so just take a random photo and it will come out. Make sure to do this before you begin taking actual photos!
This is the part where you look through to see what you want to take a photo of. I know there's a name for it but I can't remember. I think it's important to note that this is a bit inaccurate because the lenses are a little bit to the left of what you see through here. I took a test shot and my photo came out a little bit differently.
The photo on the right was the first shot I took. Instead of centered, Boo came out on the right. The second photo is more centered because I aligned myself to the lenses. I also noticed it came out a lot darker than I wanted it to be. But that's probably because I kept it at the indoors setting.
Above view of the camera~ When you pull the lenses out to turn the camera on, this is what it looks like. A green light will appear on the different settings. The film will come out of the slit next to the settings. I think it takes about five to ten minutes for the images to fully appear on film. I was reading the instructions and it says not to wave the film around after taking photos so I just put them on the floor so the sun wouldn't shine on them while they were developing.
This is the different settings options for the camera: indoor, cloudy, fine, and clear. I didn't want to mess with the settings so I kept them at indoor.
In conclusion ~ I really do like this camera! I think it's so cute to use and it is definitely fun to play with. My only issue is that film is quite pricey, but I don't think that's something that the company will ever change. Look online (Amazon and Ebay) for cheaper deals and buy in bulk to save some money. My parents nagged at me when I told them how much film usually costed.

So this camera is definitely going to be for special occasion uses only!
/ 5
Ease of usage:
/ 5
/ 5
I hope everyone who is on break to have a good time relaxing. It's really hot up here in LA compared to the cool weather in San Diego which makes me kind of sad because I have to put all my cute cozy sweaters away. I hate summer clothes, haha.
Thanks for reading!

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